Law Enforcement Programs

Created exclusively for LE personnel 

Financial support throughout your career and beyond

Personalized service you deserve

We Protect & Serve You

Explore our programs for sworn and civilian professional law enforcement personnel. 

Five-O Funds

New hires can borrow up to $5,000 with low monthly payments for equipment, lodging, or any need.

End of Watch Debt Protection

Cancels up to $850,000 of debt at no cost if you pass away in the line of duty2. Complimentary plan offered with all LAPFCU loans/lines of credit.

Guardian Checking With Privacy Protection

FREE continuous removal of personal information from the Internet for LEOs and immediate family members or ID-theft monitoring for civilian professionals3.

Heroes Home Loan

100% financing for first-time homebuyers. No down payment, no expensive private mortgage insurance, 30- or 40-year fixed rate4.

Trust & Will Estate Planning

Member discounts help you save big while protecting and providing for loved ones5.

Additional Services

Retirement & Investment Planning

Our in-house Financial Advisor can create a personalized strategy based on your needs, risk tolerance, and timeframe. Make an Appointment

Insurance Services

Our in-house insurance specialist can design a customized coverage plan for you, with a special law enforcement discounts. Schedule a free, no obligation review.