Share Products Rates

Reach your financial goals faster with higher earnings on Savings and Share Certificate accounts.

Giving your savings an extra push

We set our dividend rates as high as possible to make it easier for individuals and businesses to reach their financial goals.


Effective Date: April 17, 2024
Account Type Minimum Balance* APY*
Regular Shares$5 to open0.05%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. LAPFCU may change the dividend rate at any time. The minimum opening deposit requirement and balance for a Regular Share account is $5.00. To avoid a monthly maintenance fee of $5.00, you must: maintain an average daily balance at least equal to $250.00 during each calendar month; or maintain two or more accounts under the same member number with LAPFCU during each calendar month – deposit or credit related; or not have reached your 24th birthday. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account.


Effective Date: April 17, 2024
Account Type Minimum Balance* APY*
Merry Money$00.05%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. LAPFCU may change the dividend rate at any time. No minimum balance required, however you must deposit a minimum of $5.00 to open the account.


Effective Date: April 17, 2024
Account Type Minimum Balance* APY*
Vacation Vault$00.05%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. LAPFCU may change the dividend rate at any time. No minimum balance required, however you must deposit a minimum of $5.00 to open the account.


Effective Date: April 17, 2024
Account Type Minimum Balance APY*
EZ Checking$25None
Cash Back Checking$25None
Guardian Checking$25None
Performance Checking (Up to $15,000)$250.50%**
Performance Checking ($15,000.01 and above)$250.05%**

APY = Annual Percentage Yield


LAPFCU may change the dividend rate at any time. Each cycle the minimum requirements are met, 0.50% APY will be paid on balances between one penny and $15,000, as well as 0.05% APY paid on all amounts above $15,000 respectively. No minimum balance required, however you must deposit a minimum of $25 to open the account. If you do not meet the requirements per qualification cycle, your account will not earn dividends nor will ATM fees be reimbursed. Qualification cycles will vary from your statement period. One Performance Checking Account per member.


Effective Date: January 6, 2025
Deposit Balance Range APY*
$10,000 - $24,9992.80%
$25,000 - $49,9992.90%
$50,000 - $99,9993.00%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The minimum amount required to open a Preferred Money Market Account is $10,000 and must consist of funds not currently held at LAPFCU. The minimum daily balance requirement to maintain and receive the higher dividend rate and corresponding APY offered by the Preferred Money Market Account is $10,000. If the daily balance falls below $10,000, the regular Money Market Account dividend rate and corresponding APY will be applied. Dividends on Preferred Money Market Accounts are calculated daily based on the daily ending balance. LAPFCU may change the dividend rate/APY at any time.


Effective Date: April 17, 2024
Balance* Regular Money Market APY* IRA Money Market APY*
< $2,5000.05%0.05%
$2,500 - $9,9990.50%0.50%
$10,000 - $24,9990.60%0.60%
$25,000 - $49,9990.65%0.65%
$50,000 - $99,9990.70%0.70%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. No minimum balance required, however you must deposit a minimum of $2,500 to open the account. Dividends on Money Market Accounts are calculated daily based on the daily ending balance. LAPFCU may change the dividend rate at any time.

IRA Term Share Certificates - Member Benefits Rates

Effective Date: April 17, 2024
Term Regular $500 - $49,999 APY* Jumbo $50,000 - $99,999 APY* Super Jumbo $100,000+ APY*
6 months2.75%2.80%2.85%
1 year3.50%3.55%3.60%
2 years3.55%3.60%3.65%
3 years3.60%3.65%3.70%
4 years3.65%3.70%3.75%
5 years3.70%3.75%3.80%

IRA TERM CERTIFICATES – Member Benefits Dividend Rate. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. Ask for complete details. Rates are subject to change.


APY = Annual Percentage Yield.


Rate bonus is applicable for new and renewing IRA Certificates. Any rate bonus received will remain in effect for the term of the certificate. Program Rate bonus may not be combined with any other promotion. If You qualify for Member Benefits upon certificate renewal, rate bonus will automatically be applied.


Effective Date: January 6, 2025
Term** Regular $500 - $49,999 APY* Jumbo $50,000 - $99,999 APY* Super Jumbo $100,000+ APY*
3 months2.25%2.30%2.35%
6 months2.75%2.80%2.85%
7 months4.00%4.00%4.00%
10 months4.00%4.00%4.00%
1 year3.50%3.55%3.60%
2 years3.55%3.60%3.65%
3 years3.60%3.65%3.70%
4 years3.65%3.70%3.75%
5 years3.70%3.75%3.80%

TERM SHARE CERTIFICATES: Member Benefits Dividend Rate. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. Ask for complete details. All Rates and Terms are subject to change without notice.


APY = Annual Percentage Yield.


Rate bonus is applicable for new and renewing Share Certificates. Any rate bonus received will remain in effect for the term of the certificate. Program Rate bonus may not be combined with any other promotion. If you qualify for Member Benefits upon certificate renewal, rate bonus will automatically be applied.


Effective Date: April 17, 2024
Youth Share Certificates APY*
6 months2.75%
1 year3.50%

YOUTH TERM SHARE CERTIFICATE – $100.00 minimum to open. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. Ask for complete details.

The Dividend Rate and APY for each Youth Share Certificate Account are set forth above. The Dividend Rate and APY on all Term Share Certificates are subject to change at any time, as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. If a Term Share Certificate Account were opened, the applicable Dividend Rate and APY set forth above would be paid for the length of the term listed for such account. All Rates and Terms are subject to change without notice.


APY = Annual Percentage Yield.

LAPFCU is a full service financial services provider for sworn and civilian law enforcement professionals of federal, state, county, and city agencies and their family members in Southern California.