Preferred Money Market Accounts

Earn up to 3.10% APY* to grow your money faster

Easy access to funds, unlimited withdrawals

No term commitments


Make your money work harder for you—move it to LAPFCU’s Preferred Money Market Account to earn more, faster. Enjoy higher returns, easy access to your funds, and no long-term commitments. Open your account today!

  • Higher Earnings: Earn more than savings or checking accounts
  • Unlimited Withdrawals: Use your funds anytime
  • Convenience: Easy transactions with a debit card or checks
  • Effortless Transfers: Seamlessly move money between LAPFCU accounts
  • Security: All funds are federally insured

Account Requirements:

  • $10,000 minimum to open
  • New deposits only (no internal transfers)


Save faster for a vacation, car, or emergency fund with a Preferred Money Market Account, while retaining access to your money if you need it.


View Rates

Regular Money Market
APY as high as
0.90% *
IRA Money Market
APY as high as
0.90% *
Preferred Money Market
APY as high as
3.10% *

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LAPFCU is a full service financial services provider for sworn and civilian law enforcement professionals of federal, state, county, and city agencies and their family members in Southern California.